My father died, i held a speach at his funeral. Someone who i thought was dead, a special friend, was walking towards me after the ceremony and i burst into tears histericaly because at first i didnt think he was really there. Two people who i have a very special bond were also standing right next to me when i started crying. Then i woke up.
Dreams about the death of a father can symbolize the end of a certain aspect of your life or the need to let go of a certain authority figure or aspect of your own identity. Holding a speech at a father's funeral can indicate a desire to express things that were left unsaid or unresolved issues in your relationship with him.
Seeing someone you thought was dead in your dream can represent a surprise, a reunion, or the re-emergence of characteristics that you associate with that person. Your reaction of bursting into tears may indicate unresolved emotions or grief related to this person's absence from your life.
The two people with whom you have a special bond standing next to you could symbolize the support and connection you have in your waking life during emotional times. Your outburst of hysterical crying in front of them may reveal feelings of vulnerability or the need to express your true emotions to those who are close to you.
Overall, this dream may suggest that you are processing feelings of loss, unresolved emotions, and the need for emotional support from those you are close to. It could also be a reflection of seeking closure or healing in certain relationships or aspects of your life.